1700 Sophia Duchess of Brunswick and Lunenbourg
1700 Sophia Duchess of Brunswick and Lunenbourg
1700 Sophia Duchess of Brunswick and Lunenbourg
Marquise de Maintenon wearing a mantua with a basket bustle and a jacket bodice
Marquise de Maintenon wearing a mantua with a basket bustle and a jacket bodice
1700 Sophia Duchess of Brunswick and Lunenbourg
1695 Color print of Teresa Korwin Gosiewska by Bonnart
Marquise de Maintenon wearing a mantua with a basket bustle and a jacket bodice
1680 Fille de Qualit by Henri Bonnart\
Marquise de Maintenon wearing a mantua with a basket bustle and a jacket bodice
1711-1712 Marie Adlade of Savoy while Duchess of Burgundy by ?
1680 Fille de Qualit by Henri Bonnart\
1680 Fille de Qualit by Henri Bonnart\
Marquise de Maintenon wearing a mantua with a basket bustle and a jacket bodice
See more images of Catherine-Thrse de Matignon Thorigny in her Section
1677 Dame by Henri Bonnart
1700 Sophia Duchess of Brunswick and Lunenbourg
1680 Fille de Qualit by Henri Bonnart\
historical 16th century fashion Eleanor of Austria