Vera Ellen  The Belle of New York (1952)
Vera Ellen  The Belle of New York (1952)
Vera Ellen  The Belle of New York (1952)
Grace Kelly
Top 10 Audrey Hepburn Dresses
Vera Ellen  The Belle of New York (1952)
Debbie Reynolds in I Love Melvin, 1953
Top 10 Audrey Hepburn Dresses
Sophia Loren in Arabesque (1966)
Debbie Reynolds in I Love Melvin, 1953
Vera Ellen  The Belle of New York (1952)
Debbie Reynolds in I Love Melvin, 1953
Sophia Loren in Arabesque (1966)
Silk gown
Audrey Hepburn
Debbie Reynolds in I Love Melvin, 1953
marilyn monroe
Grace Kelly
Doris Day
marilyn monroe