How you respond will determine where your heart truly was! 9/27/25 9:23am
I was talking with Jesus and was reminded of a dream I had last night.
How you respond will determine where your heart truly was! 9/27/25 9:23am
I was talking with Jesus and was reminded of a dream I had last night.
Could I just stay here forever with You, Jesus?
How you respond will determine where your heart truly was! 9/27/25 9:23am
How you respond will determine where your heart truly was! 9/27/25 9:23am
I was talking with Jesus and was reminded of a dream I had last night.
How you respond will determine where your heart truly was! 9/27/25 9:23am
I asked Jesus for a word on His heart to share. A few things came to mind,
How you respond will determine where your heart truly was! 9/27/25 9:23am
He is the sweet oxygen to my soul; I breathe Him to live.
This is the message Holy Spirit gave me this morning after asking to be quickened with a word:
This is the message Holy Spirit gave me this morning after asking to be quickened with a word:
What grace He has lavished on my undeserving soul; washed in His blood and made whole! 11/4/24
He said, I didn
He said, I didn
I was talking with Jesus and was reminded of a dream I had last night.
I really like, Him. His kindness makes me want Him. Ah! He is wonderful.
I asked Jesus for a word on His heart to share. A few things came to mind,
Hey! He sees you. 10/25/24
I really like, Him. His kindness makes me want Him. Ah! He is wonderful.