james hetfield | fan acc  on Instagram: "Live at the Kabuki Theater in San Francisco, Californi...
james hetfield | fan acc  on Instagram: "Live at the Kabuki Theater in San Francisco, Californi...
james hetfield | fan acc  on Instagram: "Live at the Kabuki Theater in San Francisco, Californi...
james hetfield | fan acc  on Instagram: "Live at the Kabuki Theater in San Francisco, Californi...
james hetfield | fan acc  on Instagram: "Live at the Kabuki Theater in San Francisco, Californi...
james hetfield | fan acc  on Instagram: "Live at the Kabuki Theater in San Francisco, Californi...
james hetfield | fan acc  on Instagram: "Live at the Kabuki Theater in San Francisco, Californi...
james hetfield | fan acc  on Instagram: "Live at the Kabuki Theater in San Francisco, Californi...
Cliff Burton Ez-Street Days.
Venom 84!
Cliff Burton Ez-Street Days.
james hetfield | fan acc  on Instagram: "Live at the Kabuki Theater in San Francisco, Californi...
Venom 84!