Detail of a miniature of a ship at sea, flying the St George cross, 1480
Detail of a miniature of a ship at sea, flying the St George cross, 1480
Detail of a miniature of a ship at sea, flying the St George cross, 1480
ca. 1290-1320 France, BNF Lat 14410 - the Apocalypse of Saint-Victor
ca. 1290-1320 France, BNF Lat 14410 - the Apocalypse of Saint-Victor
ca. 1290-1320 France, BNF Lat 14410 - the Apocalypse of Saint-Victor
Detail of a miniature of a ship at sea, flying the St George cross, 1480
ca. 1290-1320 France, BNF Lat 14410 - the Apocalypse of Saint-Victor
ca. 1290-1320 France, BNF Lat 14410 - the Apocalypse of Saint-Victor
From Virgil; 1473-1474
From Virgil; 1473-1474
ca. 1290-1320 France, BNF Lat 14410 - the Apocalypse of Saint-Victor
Detail of a miniature of a ship at sea, flying the St George cross, 1480
From Virgil; 1473-1474
144v-1/ Martainville 192 - GALLICA
144v-1/ Martainville 192 - GALLICA