Divan tchavouch Usher of the council chamber
Kapoudgilar Ketqudasi
Divan tchavouch Usher of the council chamber
Divan tchavouch Usher of the council chamber
Divan tchavouch Usher of the council chamber
Divan tchavouch Usher of the council chamber
Kapoudgilar Ketqudasi
Kapoudgilar Ketqudasi
Kapoudgilar Ketqudasi
Divan tchavouch Usher of the council chamber
Kapoudgilar Ketqudasi
Divan tchavouch Usher of the council chamber
Kapoudgilar Ketqudasi
Caziasker [kazasker], ou grand-juge de la Romlie
Kapoudgilar Ketqudasi
Divan tchavouch Usher of the council chamber