Vers 2, I originally did her with Cryo but then My Bsf mentioned She can be Electro too so-
Vers 2, I originally did her with Cryo but then My Bsf mentioned She can be Electro too so-
Ichika Vers!
Vers 2, I originally did her with Cryo but then My Bsf mentioned She can be Electro too so-
Ichika Vers!
N25 is Done now !!!
Anemo Emu :333
Vers 2, I originally did her with Cryo but then My Bsf mentioned She can be Electro too so-
Working to Finish all of N25 Vers
N25 is Done now !!!
dare i say even before fukuchi
N25 is Done now !!!
Vers 2, I originally did her with Cryo but then My Bsf mentioned She can be Electro too so-
Anemo Emu :333
The Hydro Dragon was kinda Cringe Idk I was running outta Ideas
Nene shall Make Grass for us to Touch
Anemo Emu :333
Anemo Emu :333