Elain & Lucien - ACOTAR
Elain & Lucien - ACOTAR
Nesta and Eris
Elain and Lucien
Chaol and Yrene reading the letters // credit: drunk_on_ink_atx
Nesta and Eris
Elain and Lucien
Feyre, Rhysand & Nyx - ACOTAR
Elain and Lucien
Nesta and Eris
Feyre, Tamlin, Ianthe
Feyre, Rhysand & Nyx - ACOTAR
Nesta and Eris
Feyre, Tamlin, Ianthe
Chaol and Yrene
Nesta and Eris
Nesta and Eris
Tamlin and Feyre
Ruhn & Lidia - Crescent City
Tamlin and Feyre
Feyre, Rhysand & Nyx - ACOTAR
Feyre, Rhysand & Nyx - ACOTAR