Linear Scale 5767 FM Radio on ili9341 TFT
Linear Scale 5767 FM Radio on ili9341 TFT
Linear Scale 5767 FM Radio on ili9341 TFT
Advanced ESP32 Internet Weather Station with 5 day Forecast
Advanced ESP32 Internet Weather Station with 5 day Forecast
Wireless Water Level Controller
Wireless Water Level Controller
Arduino Barometer + Barograph with BME280 Sensor
Linear Scale 5767 FM Radio on ili9341 TFT
Big LCD clock with Two alarms and temperature monitor controlled by IR TV remote
Arduino Barometer + Barograph with BME280 Sensor
Advanced ESP32 Internet Weather Station with 5 day Forecast
Big LCD clock with Two alarms and temperature monitor controlled by IR TV remote
Big LCD clock with Two alarms and temperature monitor controlled by IR TV remote
Impulse III Metal Detector short Review
HPDL1414 Arduino Micro Clock
Big LCD clock with Two alarms and temperature monitor controlled by IR TV remote
Impulse III Metal Detector short Review
Big LCD clock with Two alarms and temperature monitor controlled by IR TV remote
Hearing Tester