Tristan and Isolt (Death) by Rogelio de Egusquiza, c. 1910.
"Lovers in the Small Boat" by Maxmilin Pirner (18541924)
Tristan and Isolt (Death) by Rogelio de Egusquiza, c. 1910.
"Lovers in the Small Boat" by Maxmilin Pirner (18541924)
"Lovers in the Small Boat" by Maxmilin Pirner (18541924)
"Lovers in the Small Boat" by Maxmilin Pirner (18541924)
national gallery prague
"Lovers in the Small Boat" by Maxmilin Pirner (18541924)
Love love
Tristan and Isolt (Death) by Rogelio de Egusquiza, c. 1910.
lothlrien aesthetic
Tristan and Isolt (Death) by Rogelio de Egusquiza, c. 1910.
"Lovers in the Small Boat" by Maxmilin Pirner (18541924)
national gallery prague