| whisper
i love her so much shes so underrated
i love her so much shes so underrated
The naturals>>>
The naturals>>>
aka save if youre in love with Jameson Hawthorne
Girlys literally a genius
i love her so much shes so underrated
aka save if youre in love with Jameson Hawthorne
(spoilers) at first i was all MICHAEL? then DEAN?? then  LOCKE?! WHAT WAIT, SISTERS???
idk whether i love him or dean more theyre both so
ahh my broody bf
 | whisper
Girlys literally a genius
aka save if youre in love with Jameson Hawthorne
why arent they real
why arent they real
(spoilers) at first i was all MICHAEL? then DEAN?? then  LOCKE?! WHAT WAIT, SISTERS???
Sloane ml
 | whisper
i would listen to all her blabber!