Leah Sava Jeffries
You tell them Leah
You tell them Leah
not mine creds to the owner
Leahs skincare/make up/nighttime routine
You tell them Leah
Leah Sava Jeffries
Leahs skincare/make up/nighttime routine
the strongest girl i know, she deserves the world.
leah sava jeffries, pjo cast
You tell them Leah
the strongest girl i know, she deserves the world.
Leahs skincare/make up/nighttime routine
they can be low-key rude to her sometimes and it
shes too adorablee
ITS SO PRETTY, (just like her )
Leah Sava Jeffries
Leah Sava Jeffries
they can be low-key rude to her sometimes and it
Leah Sava Jeffries
rick actually chose annabeth for annabeth its crazy
come on leahhhh let the rest of us catch up
 leah sava jeffries