Queen of Cups - 2x05
Nothing But Trouble - 1x13
Nothing But Trouble - 1x13
Queen of Cups - 2x05
Rotten Things - 1x09
Enter Alexis - 1x17
Queen of Cups - 2x05
Enter Alexis - 1x17
A Temporary Infestation - 2x07
A Temporary Infestation - 2x07
Rotten Things - 1x09
Queen of Cups - 2x05
A Temporary Infestation - 2x07
Enter Alexis - 1x17
A Temporary Infestation - 2x07
Rotten Things - 1x09
A Temporary Infestation - 2x07
Rotten Things - 1x09
Trashy Little Tramp - 1x21
Enter Alexis - 1x17
"Parisian Legend Has It..." - 2x14
Trashy Little Tramp - 1x21
Use or Be Used -  01x19