Verily the believer can exhaust his devils, just as one of you exhausts his camel during a journey."
Verily the believer can exhaust his devils, just as one of you exhausts his camel during a journey."
Verily the believer can exhaust his devils, just as one of you exhausts his camel during a journey."
Verily the believer can exhaust his devils, just as one of you exhausts his camel during a journey."
Verily the believer can exhaust his devils, just as one of you exhausts his camel during a journey."
Verily the believer can exhaust his devils, just as one of you exhausts his camel during a journey."
Verily the believer can exhaust his devils, just as one of you exhausts his camel during a journey."
Verily the believer can exhaust his devils, just as one of you exhausts his camel during a journey."