Artist Beata Matusiak
Artist Beata Matusiak
White Borzoi Dog by Artist Anna Bila
Artist Beata Matusiak
Artist Beata Matusiak
Artist Kathleen Coy (2014)
Artist Kathleen Coy (2014)
"Borzoi Blue Fantasy"
Artist Kathleen Coy (2014)
Artist Beata Matusiak
Artist Anna Bila Tenderness and Strength
Borzoi Love  (watercolor)  contemporary artist Catrin Bespaliuc
White Borzoi Dog by Artist Anna Bila
White Borzoi Dog by Artist Anna Bila
"Borzoi Blue Fantasy"
White Borzoi Dog by Artist Anna Bila
Artist Kathleen Coy (2014)
Artist Kathleen Coy (2014)
Artist Christina Schulte
Artist Christina Schulte
"Bojack" the borzoi, not owned by me. Photo used with permission.. "mycandidslife" is his IG
Borzoi Love  (watercolor)  contemporary artist Catrin Bespaliuc