Various Rulers of Georgia
Vinogradov &Grekov after Antropov     II  1761
Various Rulers of Georgia
Tsar Simeon the Great of Bulgaria
Tsar Simeon the Great of Bulgaria
Vinogradov &Grekov after Antropov     II  1761
Tsar Simeon the Great of Bulgaria
Vinogradov &Grekov after Antropov     II  1761
Various Rulers of Georgia
Vinogradov &Grekov after Antropov     II  1761
Wallachia in Stemmatografia, 1701
Tsar Simeon the Great of Bulgaria
Queen Tamar
Vinogradov &Grekov after Antropov     II  1761
Queen Tamar
Vinogradov &Grekov after Antropov     II  1761
Tsar Simeon the Great of Bulgaria
Vinogradov &Grekov after Antropov     II  1761
Wallachia in Stemmatografia, 1701