SET! 3 ROUND VEILS! Round black chapel mantilla, Our lady of Fatima veil,  Classic Catholic veil with floral lace, Latin Mass long lace veil
Gold Short Veil , Catholic head covering veil for church, Catholic lace mantilla
SET! 3 ROUND VEILS! Round black chapel mantilla, Our lady of Fatima veil,  Classic Catholic veil with floral lace, Latin Mass long lace veil
Gold Short Veil , Catholic head covering veil for church, Catholic lace mantilla
Gold Short Veil , Catholic head covering veil for church, Catholic lace mantilla
Gold Short Veil , Catholic head covering veil for church, Catholic lace mantilla
SET! 3 ROUND VEILS! Round black chapel mantilla, Our lady of Fatima veil,  Classic Catholic veil with floral lace, Latin Mass long lace veil
Catholic head covering veil for church, Round grey chapel veil
SET! 3 ROUND VEILS! Round black chapel mantilla, Our lady of Fatima veil,  Classic Catholic veil with floral lace, Latin Mass long lace veil
Pistachio Church Veil, Catholic head covering veil for church, Catholic lace mantilla
Catholic Mantilla Mass Veil Church Lace Veil Spanish Chapel Mass Head Burgundy
Catholic Mantilla Mass Veil Church Lace Veil Spanish Chapel Mass Head Burgundy
Gold Short Veil , Catholic head covering veil for church, Catholic lace mantilla
SET! 3 ROUND VEILS! Round black chapel mantilla, Our lady of Fatima veil,  Classic Catholic veil with floral lace, Latin Mass long lace veil
Latin Mass black veil, Chapel veil Mantilla in triangle form
TemuMass Veil Spanish Chapel Lace Mantilla Veil First Communion Head Covering For Girls
Vus de luxo
TemuMass Veil Spanish Chapel Lace Mantilla Veil First Communion Head Covering For Girls
Gold Short Veil , Catholic head covering veil for church, Catholic lace mantilla
Gold Short Veil , Catholic head covering veil for church, Catholic lace mantilla
TemuMass Veil Spanish Chapel Lace Mantilla Veil First Communion Head Covering For Girls
Purple short veil, black tulle, chapel veil, Latin Mass veil