The Putnam Pack
Always stop and smell the roses everyone!. Schatzie and Ted E Bear
Ted E Bear and Schatzie
Glorious rain, awful mud!. Ted E Bear and Schatzie
The Putnam Pack
Schatzie and Ted E Bear
Always stop and smell the roses everyone!. Schatzie and Ted E Bear
Always stop and smell the roses everyone!. Schatzie and Ted E Bear
Perfect Shoot
Time for a rest!. The Putnam Pack with little Dakota
Glorious rain, awful mud!. Ted E Bear and Schatzie
Perfect Shoot
Always stop and smell the roses everyone!. Schatzie and Ted E Bear
Perfect Shoot
Perfect Shoot
Perfect Shoot
Ted E Bear
The Putnam Pack
My body guards while Im gardening!
Pack walk  The Putnam Pack
Always stop and smell the roses everyone!. Schatzie and Ted E Bear