Taste, The Five Senses (1865) - Henri Guillaume Schlesinger Sticker
Giclee Print: Mademoiselle Duth, 1776 (Oil on Canvas) by Li Louis Prin Salbreux : 12x9in
First Steps by Gustave Lonard de Jonghe, 1864
Frans Verhas (Belgian, 1825-1897)
Giclee Print: Mademoiselle Duth, 1776 (Oil on Canvas) by Li Louis Prin Salbreux : 12x9in
Woman Portrait, Washing Hands, Vintage Painting Sticker
"Portraits Of Lorna And Dorothy Bell, Daughters Of W. Heward Bell, Esq."
Frans Verhas (Belgian, 1825-1897)
First Steps by Gustave Lonard de Jonghe, 1864
Frans Verhas (Belgian, 1825-1897)
Giclee Print: Mademoiselle Duth, 1776 (Oil on Canvas) by Li Louis Prin Salbreux : 12x9in
Woman Portrait, Washing Hands, Vintage Painting Sticker
First Steps by Gustave Lonard de Jonghe, 1864
Giclee Print: Meditation, 1921 by John Collier : 12x9in
Ebert, Anton ~ (German: 18451896) ~ "The Little Darling"
"Portraits Of Lorna And Dorothy Bell, Daughters Of W. Heward Bell, Esq."
Ebert, Anton ~ (German: 18451896) ~ "The Little Darling"
Giclee Print: Meditation, 1921 by John Collier : 12x9in