Blue hydrangea blindfolded  by Polina Bright
Blue hydrangea blindfolded  by Polina Bright
Guess where?
Blue hydrangea blindfolded  by Polina Bright
Blue hydrangea blindfolded  by Polina Bright
Blue hydrangea blindfolded  by Polina Bright
Blue hydrangea blindfolded  by Polina Bright
Blue hydrangea blindfolded  by Polina Bright
Romantic Encounter (1864) by Mihly von Zichy
Guess where?
The Maddest Obsession
Blue hydrangea blindfolded  by Polina Bright
Giclee Print: Emperor Frederick Barbarossa
The Maddest Obsession
Romantic Encounter (1864) by Mihly von Zichy
 Fortuny up close
Beautiful Above The Early Art Print
 Fortuny up close
For the love of Art and Gold = Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin. Germany