Dogs barking around the corner
Dogs barking around the corner
Class doodles
Dogs barking around the corner
When memory comes and lays its hands on me
Dogs barking around the corner
Dogs barking around the corner
Some say a rainshower brings it all back home -Standing On the Corner
And how tough it is, running away
Dogs barking around the corner
Some say a rainshower brings it all back home -Standing On the Corner
You are the drawings I make
Some say a rainshower brings it all back home -Standing On the Corner
Cat on the moon
Scared little man
When memory comes and lays its hands on me
Class doodles
I gripped and clawed away at your skin
You are the drawings I make
I gripped and clawed away at your skin
Fly as fuck
Some say a rainshower brings it all back home -Standing On the Corner
Fuck that GOLF WANG
You are the drawings I make